Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fosterfields Living Historical Farm, New Jersey

Hours: Open April thru June, Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm and July thru October, Wednesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 12 - 5pm.
Adults $6.00
Children 4-16 $4.00
Children 2-3 $2.00

Link to the site

Today, it is still possible to see cows being milked "the old fashioned way," and to visit the Carriage House, used as a Republican voting place in the 1890s.
Beginning on opening day on April 1st and continuing through late October, an exciting array of activities and demonstrations,  sheep shearing, potato and corn planting, butter making, black smithing, cooking at The Willows and the Civil War Weekend, take place at Fosterfields.
Many events are "Help the Farmer" activities, wonderful learning-through-fun experiences for both children and adults. Jersey cows, draft horses, chickens, pigs and sheep populate the Farm, and demonstrations of butter churning, cream separating, corn cracking and other domestic farm chores are scheduled throughout the week.

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